The potency-increasing effects of natural herbal potency remedies are as old as the problem they solve. Since the beginning of time, people have tried to improve their potency with home remedies like parsley, saffron and nutmeg.

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What natural Home Remedies can increase Potency?

First, sexual enhancers must naturally have a potency increasing effect, a positive effect on libido, and stimulate blood circulation. Erectile dysfunction is often caused by a lack of blood supply to the blood vessels.

The following are the “first aids” that can help increase your chances of success:

  • L-Arginine: Some studies have shown that this amino acid can increase NO production.
  • Ginseng: Ginseng can be used to treat erectile problems and as a general tonic.
  • Maca Root: This root can also be used in dietary supplements. It is almost exclusively sold in powder form. Maca can have a stimulant effect.
  • Yohimbine: Yohimbine stimulates central nervous system.

To treat impotence and erection problems, food such as milk with dried asparagus, horseradish, or ginger juice can be traded as natural sexual enhancers. If you want to increase your activity, then sexual foods rich in amino acids and/or ginseng are a good option.

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For example, the amino acid can be found in:

  • Cereals like wheat and oats
  • Fruits (apples). Peaches and strawberries
  • Vegetables: tomatoes, peppers and asparagus.

The acid found in food is mainly found in fish (salmons, tuna, sardines and plaice). The diet also includes starches found in nuts and seeds. They are used as an all-rounder and potency enhancer in men.

What Tea is best for Potency?

Ginger is a stimulant that makes you want to have sexual relations and can be used to treat potency issues as well as aid in erection. The wisdom of ginger has been around for centuries. But what is the truth? Although there aren’t any studies on ginger’s aphrodisiac effects in blood, many men have confirmed these claims.

Ginger is an excellent aphrodisiac. It is also extremely healthy. While most people know that herbs have healing powers, only a select few are aware of their ability to influence men’s sexual desires.

Tea is an active ingredient. This means that tea can be beneficial for the body and home remedies can have a positive effect. The nettle is a popular natural enhancement for sexual function. It dilates blood vessels and is an effective remedy for impotence.

Lady’s mantle can be used to treat both men and women. Lady’s mantle is a relaxing herb that relaxes the whole abdomen. The plants also have a potency-increasing impact on men.

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What Foods are similar to Viagra?

These foods can be used as natural Viagra or natural sexual enhancers to eliminate any potency issues:

  • Cauliflower & broccoli, spinach leaves & kale.
  • Nuts (highly arginine-rich)
  • Cucumber, watermelon and other (zucchini).
  • Oatmeal (contain avenacosides, form active testosterone)
  • Flavonoids in fruits, oranges, and berries can help to strengthen erection.
  • Saffron

What is the best natural over-the-counter enhancement for Sexual Performance?

There are some over-the-counter sex enhancers that contain active ingredients that may have a positive effect upon erectile dysfunction. These active ingredients can affect blood flow and cause erectile dysfunction. This assumption has not been supported by any studies.

As a potency-enhancing agent, the classification can only be done by traditional use or based on user experience.

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There are also over-the-counter remedies:

  • Yohimbine
  • Maca
  • Spanish fly

You can also eat certain foods like strawberries and raw oysters. A doctor may also confirm that. There are a few dietary supplements that can be used in place of over-the-counter sex enhancers. They are easy to take because they are mostly made with ginkgo (a pure herbal ingredient).


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