Lovemaking is not always as easy as it seems. This is something that every man knows. It’s not a cause for concern if an erection fails. But what if there is a serious problem? Impotence in different forms: Impotentia genandi and impotentia comeundi.

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The two-thirds rule: What should you do about Impotence?

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This is something almost every man knows: In sex, the erection doesn’t work the way either partner would like. This can be caused by a variety of factors. What if there is a serious problem?

Two types of Impotence are distinguished by Doctors

Impotentia coeundi is one type. It refers to the inability or unwillingness to perform sexual acts. It is also known as impotence. This second type is known as impotentia générandi, but is less well-known than the first. This one is where the penis becomes erect, and sexual intercourse may occur. However, the man is unable reproduce.

This is because the semen quality and quantity are not sufficient to produce children. Sometimes, anejaculation may not occur despite the presence of orgasm. This is because the contraction of the sexual organs doesn’t occur despite orgasm. A urologist should be consulted if there is frequent erectile dysfunction. This will help to identify the cause and begin the treatment.

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Common causes of Impotence

There are many other causes of erectile dysfunction that can also be treated.


Erectile dysfunction is rare in young men. This is because it is not often caused by organic diseases. The psyche, like many other processes in the body plays a significant role. This can be hindered by a variety of factors. One possibility is that the partner no longer finds their partner attractive, or that they are under too much pressure. In addition to sexual pressure to perform, fear of failure or tiredness can also be factors.


Lifestyle can also affect the growth of manhood. Potency can be affected by lifestyle choices such as smoking, alcohol, and fatty foods. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by organic causes. This includes diabetes, arteriosclerosis and high cholesterol. Multiple sclerosis, herniated disks, and hormonal disorders all can affect a man’s ability to erection.


Erectile dysfunction is something that should be taken seriously by men over 50. This could be a sign of a stroke or heart attack. Erectile dysfunction could be a sign of calcification in the blood vessels. This is because the penis cannot receive enough blood. You can also suspect this by looking at the vessels that lead to the brain.


Certain medications can cause erection problems. These include beta-blockers and dehydrating drugs, as well as drugs that combat depression and lipid-lowering medications.

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The two-thirds Rule: the right Treatment

Erectile dysfunction is when it’s impossible to have and keep a sufficient erection for sexual intercourse within two-thirds of cases. This happens in less than half of the cases. It doesn’t have to work right away.

A serious erectile problem can be treated. Although many men resist the idea of talking to their family doctor or making an appointment with a specialist in urology, this is essential to resolve the problem. Treatment with prescription PDE-5 inhibitors like Viagra or Cialis is an option.

These sexual enhancers are primarily used to increase the amount of the substance responsible for erection. Only a man who is sexually stimulated can the effect occur.

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